Ever catch yourself or people around you thinking or doing all the "No to.."? Although it's good that our society and communities are transitioning into being more health-conscious, many of us can become too fixated on extreme weight-loss ideals which perpetuates a negative body image.
Like any other relationship, having a good relationship with food and our body begins with building trust within yourself. We are also here to remind you that: "You are allowed to be a masterpiece and a work in progress, simultaneously".
有沒有發現,自己或身邊的人會抱著這樣的想法:“不准……”甚至會照樣去做? 我們的社會正在慢慢變得更加註重健康,這的確是一件好事,但我們中還是有許多人可能過於執著於提倡不良體型的極端減肥主義。
就像其他關係一樣,如果想與食物和身體保持良好關係,我們必須先開始建立對自己的信任。 我們在這裡也提醒你:“你是可以同時像傑作又像半成品一樣活著的。”