Can’t see how to accomplish your plan to (whichever goals you have)? Sometimes you don’t have everything planned out. You might not know all the steps to reach your goal but we’re sure that you know the little steps you can take for now to be a bit closer to your target Start today to work on the little things that are essential - your small steps taken every day will pave the way for your success
不知道如何完成你定下的XXX計劃? 有時,你並無法計劃好所有事情。你可能不知曉實現目標的每一個步驟,但是我們確信,你清楚知道當下可以採取的一些小行動,讓你離目標更近今天開始著手實行這些必不可少的小事吧!你每天邁出的小步伐將為你舖一條通往成功的道路