Protein is an important part for strong and healthy bones - it makes up around 50% of bone volume and one-third of the mass With the continuous bone remodelling, adequate protein supply is crucial in supporting bone formation and maintenance. On top of that, protein intake is important for building/ maintaining muscles. Stronger muscles allow better mobility and balance, which could possibly mean the person would be less likely to fall and have a bone fracture.
蛋白質是製造強健骨骼的重要組件 - 它佔骨質密度的50%和骨骼重量的⅓。由於我們身體持續重塑骨質,充足的蛋白質對製造和修補骨骼很重要。除此之外,蛋白質吸收對增加/修復肌肉很重要。強壯的肌肉會帶來更好的活動能力和平衡力,就是説可以減低跌倒和骨折的機率。
Wallace, Taylor C. PhD Optimizing Dietary Protein for Lifelong Bone Health, Nutrition Today: 5/6 2019 - Volume 54 - Issue 3 - p 107-115 doi: 10.1097/NT.0000000000000340