Ok I know this might sound strange but did you know that insufficient sleep is associated with overweight/ obesity?
Only would insufficient sleep increase overall energy intake by reducing leptin (hormone that gives you a sense of satiety) and increasing ghrelin (hormone that signals hunger), it would also misalign the circadian timing (or what people call as biological clock), resulting in dysregulated eating behaviour (e.g. small breakfast intake and significantly large intake after dinner) and hence positive energy balance (i.e. energy intake > energy expenditure).
Research also showed that sleep loss would result in increase in food cravings, rewards and portion sizes, which in turn causes higher food intake and hence weight gain.
So our dear friends, sleep!
對,我知道這聽起來會有點奇怪,但是你知道睡眠不足可引致超重/肥胖症嗎? 睡眠不足不僅透過減少瘦素(令你有飽腹感的荷爾蒙)來提高身體的整體能量攝取,還有增加飢餓素(令你有飢餓感的荷爾蒙)。它又令晝夜節律(或一般人說的生理時鐘)失衡,導致飲食失調(例如:早餐吃很少,但晚餐後明顯吃很多)。因此,能量處於正平衡,即是熱量攝取大於熱量消耗。 研究亦顯示睡眠不足會增加飲食衝動、食物獎勵和進食分量,因而提高食物攝取量,導致體重增長。 Reference:
Markwald, R. R., Melanson, E. L., Smith, M. R., Higgins, J., Perreault, L., Eckel, R. H., & Wright, K. P., Jr (2013). Impact of insufficient sleep on total daily energy expenditure, food intake, and weight gain. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 110(14), 5695–5700.
Yang, C. L., Schnepp, J., & Tucker, R. M. (2019). Increased Hunger, Food Cravings, Food Reward, and Portion Size Selection after Sleep Curtailment in Women Without Obesity. Nutrients, 11(3), 663.