Last time we’ve explained what is Glycemic index, and the significance of glycemic load (GL) over GI, especially for people with diabetes. Now let's go back to the question: are low GI food necessarily healthier? We would say that low GI food would be part of a balanced diet but "low GI" does not entail healthy⚠️ There are quite a number of factors that could affect GI - not only the proportion of carbs in food, but also (not limited to) proportion of fat and protein. Food with a higher percentage of fat and protein could also have a lower GI, as they could slow down food digestion and hence the glucose release into your blood stream. For example, dark chocolate🍫Another example is that potato chips have a lower GI than boiled potatoes. Hence, simply looking into GI might not be a good way to decide if a food is healthy or not 🔖 上次我們解釋了什麼是GI,以及血糖負荷(GL)(尤其是對於糖尿病患者)的重要性。現在讓我們回到這個問題:低GI食品一定更健康嗎? 我們可以說低GI食品是促成均衡飲食的一部分,但“低GI”並不一定代表健康⚠️ 有很多因素會影響GI,不止食物中糖分的比例,也包括(但不限於)脂肪和蛋白質的比例。脂肪和蛋白質含量較高的食物也可能有較低的GI,因為它們會減慢食物的消化速度,從而使葡萄糖更慢釋放到血液中。其中一個例子是黑朱古力🍫另外,薯片的GI比煮熟的馬鈴薯的GI低。因此,只根據GI不是判斷食物是否健康的好方法哦!🔖