{scroll down for Chinese version} Many believe self-acceptance cannot coexist with the desire to progress in the journey to wellness.
If you score 80% in an exam, while you can feel content for getting a Grade A, surely it has crossed your mind that you can now be more confident to go for something higher but realistic in the next round?
The point is, we are allowed to be confident with ourselves, and still find ways to be better. Having this attitude will keep us humble, and keep us open for wholesome and realistic progress.
事實上,我們可以在有自信的同時,尋找一些令自己進步的方法。這種態度能令我們保持謙虛,並讓我們樂於接受全面和實際的進展。 #nutrition #nutriholic #healthyeating #healthylifestyle #loveyourself #bodypositive #loveyourbody